
Our Divorce Mediation Mission Viejo Experts Will Resolve Your Divorce Without Going to Court

When a couple decides it is time to end their marriage, emotions can override common sense. If this is the case for you, help from divorce mediation specialists is what you need.

Feelings of betrayal may lead to the desire to seek revenge resulting in a long litigated process in which couples lose control of the decisions that will affect their family for years to come. At divorce mediation in Mission Viejo, we are committed to helping families find a better way.
Work with Our Divorce Mediation Tustin Experts to Resolve your Divorce Without going to Court

Why Consider Mediation?

Flat Fee
Pay one fee for divorce completion, conflict resolutions, property divisions, and document preparations from beginning to end. Since divorce lawyers already cost a lot, the last thing you need is to spend more on a mediator and collaborative divorce attorney.
Can Be Completed Quickly
Your divorce can be resolved in our law firm with the help of our divorce mediation specialists in just a few weeks instead of months or years in court. Lessening difficult times for you and the kids.
Never Step Foot in the Courthouse
We file all of the documents and process your judgment for you, so you never go to court. It will be easy for you to move forward with your life. Since this involves other family matters as well, you will need certified family law specialists to get the proper support and assistance you need.

Divorce Mediation: A Better Approach

Divorce mediation allows spouses to remain in control and make crucial decisions about their divorce settlement.

In litigation, on the other hand, a judge that knows little about you or your family’s unique characteristics will make those decisions for you.

The agreements reached through mediation include all decisions required to settle a divorce, such as debt and asset distribution, child custody and visitation, spousal maintenance, and child support.

What to Expect During the Mediation Process


During mediation, spouses meet with divorce mediation specialists. These mediators are trained in strategic communication skills that help them diffuse rising emotions and focus the conversation on the decisions that need to be reached.

As neutral third parties, mediators do not give legal advice or make decisions for you. Rather, they help you reach your own decisions through explanation of the legal process, brainstorming, offering alternatives, and resolving misunderstandings.

What to Expect During the Mediation Process

While spouses may feel that they are far beyond the compromising stage, having a facilitator present results in clearer, unemotional communication. A skilled mediator provides uninterrupted time for each spouse to speak, asks questions that promote clear communication, and provides information about the legal system.

Our team of skilled and experienced mediators consists of family law attorneys, accountants, and mental health professionals.

We provide a safe space where spouses can have an open and honest conversation that leads to a peaceful resolution. For a complimentary consultation, contact us at Divorce Mediation of California today.

How Mediation Can Help Your Family


Divorce mediation in Mission Viejo helps empower spouses to retain a voice in the outcome of their divorce settlement. Keeping their divorce out of the court systems and litigation results in long-lasting benefits.

Retain Control of Your Family’s Emotional and Financial Well-Being


By choosing divorce mediation in Mission Viejo, families stay out of the court system. This is often the number one reason spouses are willing to come together to reach an agreement on their divorce settlement. No one really wants to put their family’s welfare into the hands of the courts.

Once the courts are involved, a judge will rule on the outcome of the settlement. This, of course, includes child custody and visitation rights. In some cases, a family can find themselves under the scrutiny of California Family Courts.

Retain control and make the decisions that affect your family for years to come. For a complimentary consultation, contact us at Divorce Mediation of California today.

Reduce Conflict and Power Struggles

Reduce Conflict and Power Struggles

By its very nature, litigation leads to power struggles and conflict. Attorneys are there to represent their client and fight for the assets, children, or other aspects of the divorce that the couple cannot agree upon.

Divorce mediation, on the other hand, is based on collaboration and cooperation. While spouses may feel their relationship is long past the stage of compromise and being able to make joint decisions, it is possible.

We see troubled couples resolve their divorce settlement together, every day. By offering a safe space for positive communication, you can come to an agreement. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

Protect the Children


Divorce is often an emotionally challenging time for spouses. For children watching their parents separate, those challenges can be overwhelming. 

Without conscientious planning, once caring spouses can let feelings of resentment and bitterness override their better judgment. Children get placed into the middle of a bitter litigious battle in which no one really wins.

Once a divorce proceeds to court, a judge must review the evidence presented to come to a decision regarding child custody and visitation. This may require witnesses, including the children.

Children may be called to testify in court proceedings, or may be required to speak to the judge in their chambers. 

The judge may also appoint a minor’s counsel. This lawyer is assigned to assist the judge by gathering information. The process may include the following: 

  • Speaking with each child independently and without the parents present.
  • Interviewing doctors, teachers, and childcare providers.
  • Reviewing school records and accessing medical records.
  • Requesting psychological or physical examinations of the child.

Once their investigation is complete, they prepare a report with recommendations and an opinion about what is in the best interest of the child. Judges usually give substantial weight to these reports when determining child custody. 

Keep in mind that a minor’s counsel is appointed to work for the best interest of the child.

Keep Your Divorce Private and Confidential


All court proceedings are a matter of public record, including divorces.

Mediation, on the other hand, is private and confidential. California Law declares that all communication, negotiations, or settlement offers in the course of a mediation must remain confidential.

This means that your private lives remain private—a definite plus for both you and your children.

Keep Your Divorce Private and Confidential

Save Time


It can take months, sometimes years, to settle a divorce case through litigation. On the other hand, divorce mediation specialists can help couples reach an agreement in a matter of weeks.

We also file all of the necessary documents with the court, which means you and your family never have to step foot into a courtroom.

Save Money


Litigation increases the cost of divorce substantially. Whether due to multiple hearings or a case that ultimately goes to court, each spouse is looking at thousands to tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees.

At Divorce Mediation of California, we offer both flat and hourly fees and can discuss the better option during the initial complimentary consultation.

Choose the Right Divorce Mediator

There is an alternative to painful litigation and a path to a peaceful resolution. Let us help you find it.

For your complimentary consultation, contact our reliable and trusted team at Divorce Mediation of California today.

We specialize in mediation services and work with all parties for negotiation and fast resolution. We serve clients from Orange County:

230 Newport Center Dr #210,    
Newport Beach, CA 92660
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